Saturday, April 3, 2010

AGNI reviews Beauty Breaks In

Check out the new review of Mary Ann Saymn's work on AGNI Online: "Shard. Shard. Shard.: Mary Ann Samyn and the Fractured Meditative Lyric," by Anton Vander Zee

"Samyn’s work over her last three books—all published with New Issues in their distinct duo-tone, palimpsestic, muted-matte design that makes their books such a pleasure to look at and hold—might seem, after a cursory reading, consistent to a fault. Certain standard moves and themes persist: reflexivity, strained devotion, materiality of both language and body, colloquialisms and asides, formal attention to white space, a certain reticence, occasional nods to Nancy Drew. But this apparent consistency—to my eye and ear rewarding enough in itself—grounds a subtler range of shifting intensities that emerge in each collection"

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