New Issues Poetry & Prose
June 2013
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New Issues Poetry & Prose was established in 1996 by poet Herbert S. Scott. 
Fall 2013
Katie Peterson
Cullen Bailey Burns
Ain't No Grave
TJ Jarrett
Poetry in Michigan / Michigan in Poetry
edited by
William Olsen
Jack Ridl
Dear Friends,
Kerrin McCadden has won the 2013 New Issues Poetry Prize for her manuscript Landscape with Plywood Silhouettes.
David St. John judged.
Kerrin wins a $2,000 award and publication of her manuscript in the spring of 2014.
Kerrin McCadden's poems have appeared recently in Best American Poetry, American Poetry Review, Hayden's Ferry Review, Green Mountains Review, Failbetter, Rattle
and elsewhere. She is the recent recipient of a National Endowment for
the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, as well as support from The Vermont Arts
Endowment Fund and The Vermont Studio Center. She teaches English and
Creative Writing at Montpelier High School in Montpelier, Vermont and is
an MFA degree candidate at Warren Wilson College. She lives in
Plainfield, Vermont with her two children.
Also accepted for publication:
In the Museum of Coming and Going by Laura Stott Dark~Sky Society by Ailish Hopper
The New Issues Poetry Prize is selected by a guest judge. Thank you to David St. John for judging our 2013 contest.
The 2014 New Issues Poetry Prize will be selected by Fanny Howe, author of more than 20 books of poetry.
Guidelines for the 2014 prize are available on our website.
Congratulations, Peter Covino!
Peter Covino won the Paterson Award for Literary Excellence for his collection The Right Place to Jump.